Epiphany Holiday in Italy

Questo articolo è stato pubblicato 12 anni fa! Leggilo tenendo conto che potrebbero esserci aggiornamenti in merito...

As the Holiday Season gets closer and a long and intense year approaches the end, here at the Fortress Monastery of Santo Spirito have received a nummber of requests for a short weekend holiday to celebrate the Epiphany in the mountains of Abruzzo…

One of the most ancient and well kept Castle Hotels in Central Italy, The Fortress Monastery of Santo Spirito has become known to the curious and non conventional traveller seeking places off the radar, away from the limelight of famous tourist locaations, where time slows down and there is the oportunity to relax and enjoy contact with nature all year around – especially in winter.

Special Offer Epiphany Holidays 2013 in Italy

The ideal travel destination for those seeking a quiet yet charming location to spend a short holiday in the snowy mountains of Abruzzo near L’Aquila, easily reachable by car from all major airports (Rome: Fiumicino, Ciampino and Pescara). Perfect a perfect weekend on the snow – easily reachable within a few hours from all major European Capitals, the Fortress Monastery is just a click away for an unforgettable holiday, a unique experience in the mountains of the Abruzzo Aquilano region of Italy.

Night view of the surrounding mountains and the villages in the valley all visible from the Castle Hotel Fortress Monastery of Santo Spirito

Validity of this Special Offer: from to 2013

Details of the Special Offer

The Epiphany week end Holiday package includes:

  • Welcome aperitif ;
  • 3 nights;
  • 3 dinners;
  • guided tour of the Fortress Monastery of Santo Spirito;
  • Opino of Ski-pass and teacher at nearby ski resort of Campo Felice (just minutes away by car)
  • Additional nights at 10% discount.

Cost per person: €270,00

External photo of the fortress monastery of Santo Spirito near L'Aquila in Abruzzo, Italy

Further Information and Bookings:

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Fortress Monastery of Santo Spirito

A Fine Castle Hotel in Italy – Historical residence in – Ocre, just minutes away from L’Aquila, easily reachable from major airports and motorways in Italy.

Monastero Fortezza Santo Spirito - Castello e residenza storica

Email: info@monasterosantospirito.it

Ocre (L’Aquila),

Telefono: +39.0862 1965538
Fax: +39.0862 1960139

Latitudine: 42.51867517417283
Longitudine: 13.53790283203125

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