* Archive for the Special Offers category

Castle Hotels for New Years in Italy 2018

Questo articolo è stato pubblicato 10 anni fa! Leggilo tenendo conto che potrebbero esserci aggiornamenti in merito...

View Of Mountains from Castle Hotel Fortress Monastery Santo Spirito

New Years 2018 in Italy

Special Offer for a Romantic Retreat in a Castle Hotel

What better way to celebrate New Year’s eve than surrounded by the ancient walls of one of the most prestigious residences of the Italian midlands.
Here at Monastero Santo Spirito we take pride in offering you only the best products and services the area has to offer. Let yourself be amazed by the splendid sceneries and the uncontaminated surroundings.

Santo Spirito is easily reachable although away from the noise and confusion: nestled in the mountains of L’Aquila, you’ll be looked after by Cristina and Gianluca who run this unique, charming Hotel. Read more

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Secluded Romantic Getaways for this Easter Holiday Long Week End

Questo articolo è stato pubblicato 11 anni fa! Leggilo tenendo conto che potrebbero esserci aggiornamenti in merito...

The breath taking view of the mountains surrounding the Monastery Fortress of Santo Spirito near L'Aquila

Here at the Fortress Monastery of Santo Spirito we are getting ready for the upcoming Easter Holiday Break. with just over 3 weeks to go many are still deciding what to do and where to go.

We know there isn’t much money to spare in these hard times so we are ready to offer you one of the most beautiful locations in central Italy at very competitive rates… Read more

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Epiphany Holiday in Italy

Questo articolo è stato pubblicato 12 anni fa! Leggilo tenendo conto che potrebbero esserci aggiornamenti in merito...

As the Holiday Season gets closer and a long and intense year approaches the end, here at the Fortress Monastery of Santo Spirito have received a nummber of requests for a short weekend holiday to celebrate the Epiphany in the mountains of Abruzzo…

One of the most ancient and well kept Castle Hotels in Central Italy, The Fortress Monastery of Santo Spirito has become known to the curious and non conventional traveller seeking places off the radar, away from the limelight of famous tourist locaations, where time slows down and there is the oportunity to relax and enjoy contact with nature all year around – especially in winter.

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Affordable Castle Hotels in Italy for Your Holidays all Year Around

Questo articolo è stato pubblicato 12 anni fa! Leggilo tenendo conto che potrebbero esserci aggiornamenti in merito...

A Romantic Break for 2 or Family Retreat for Fun

The Monastery Fortress of Santo Spirito is one of the few Castle Hotels in Italy in the Abruzzo region of Italy, located in Ocre near L’Aquila and just 1 hour from Rome, easily reachable from the north or south of Italy.

The ideal retreat for those seeking a romantic getaway, you’ll enjoy the company of your loved one out in the countryside during the day and relax taking advantage of unparalleled intimacy in the majestic surroundings of the Aquilano mountains at night.

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Italy Celebrates Italian Unification March 17th

Questo articolo è stato pubblicato 13 anni fa! Leggilo tenendo conto che potrebbero esserci aggiornamenti in merito...

Italy celebrates its 150th birthday – a long and complicated political process which lead to the birth of our nation proclaimed on March 17, 1861.

Italy is a complicated country to understand – this excellent blog draws a pretty accurate picture for outsiders to understand why it is so different compared to what you hear and read …

To celebrate this historical event (and take advantage of the only long week end of the year) the Fortress Monastery of Santo Spirito is offering:   

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Romantic Small Hotel in Italy for St. Valentine’s Day 2011

Questo articolo è stato pubblicato 14 anni fa! Leggilo tenendo conto che potrebbero esserci aggiornamenti in merito...

Welcome to one of the most exclusive and unique castle hotels of Italy: The Fortress Monastery of Santo Spirito.

With nearly eight hundred years of history, this small charming hotel situated in the central Abruzzo was built in 1222 by Placido of Roio on a piece of land donated by Count Berardo of Ocre.

After the founder’s death in 1248, the monastery came under the auspices of the Cistercian Order and the Convent of Santa Maria in Casanova, near Penne. In 1330 it was already given in trust to the cardinals Maffeo and Francesco Barberini; in 1652 it was included in the list of the small monasteries abolished by Pope Innocent X. Read more

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Monastero Santo Spirito è su TripAdvisor Monastero Santo Spirito è segnalato dal Touring Club Italiano Monastero Santo Spirito è presente su Residenze d'Epoca Scopri il Monastero Santo Spirito su Abruzzo Turismo Monastero Santo Spirito è segnalato su iCastelli.net Scopri il Monastero Santo Spirito su Matrimonio.com