Romantic Small Hotel in Italy for St. Valentine’s Day 2011

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Welcome to one of the most exclusive and unique castle hotels of Italy: The Fortress Monastery of Santo Spirito.

With nearly eight hundred years of history, this small charming hotel situated in the central Abruzzo was built in 1222 by Placido of Roio on a piece of land donated by Count Berardo of Ocre.

After the founder’s death in 1248, the monastery came under the auspices of the Cistercian Order and the Convent of Santa Maria in Casanova, near Penne. In 1330 it was already given in trust to the cardinals Maffeo and Francesco Barberini; in 1652 it was included in the list of the small monasteries abolished by Pope Innocent X.

Easily reachable by the A24 and A25 motorways, Santo Spirito is the place to be 12 months a year: in winter Guests enjoy skiing on the slopes of the Gran Sasso, spring and summer are ideal for outdoor excursions and horseback riding.

This is also the ideal location for a Castle Wedding with a beautiful courtyard…

Image of the Fortress of Santo Spirito - the Courtyard

and a stunning view looking down onto the valley with the Gran Sasso in the background.

View of the Gran Sasso d'Italia in Abruzzo from the Fortress Monastery of Santo SPirito in Ocre

If you are traveling to Italy this time of year, experience a stay at the Fortress for the St Valentine’s day week-end: an all inclusive stay for just € 150,00 per person all inclusive.

Offerta Week End Romantico di San Valentino - un brindisi presso il Monastero Fortezza di Santo Spirito di Ocre - Foto © diego cervo -

You’ll be welcomed by Gianluca and Christina with an aperitif as you check in – there are only 12 rooms, it’s a very calm environment, ideal for a romantic and intimate break.

Camera della Fortezza Monastero di Santo Spirito proposta per il week end di San Valentino

The rooms are warm and comfortable for a totally relaxing experience.

Surprise her with a romantic holiday in this charming small hotel in Abruzzo!

Idee per un weekend romantico di San Valentino - Foto: © Alexander Wurditsch -

Monastero Fortezza Santo Spirito St Valentine’s Day Special Offer

Romantic Week End Holiday for St. Valentine’s Day

Febbruary 12 thFebbruary 13 th

Romantic small hotel in Italy for St. Valentine’s Day 2011 – 2 days away from the nose and rhythms of the city in this charming castle hotel at 710 meters in altitude with a beautiful and full view of the Gran Sasso d’Italia – one of Italy’s highest mountain peaks at nearly 3.000 meters in the Aquilano territory, easily reachable by the A24 and A25 motorways (From Rome and Pescara airports)

St Valentine’s Day Week-End of Charme in Abruzzo

This Travel Package includes:

  • Welcoming aperitif;
  • One night stay in double room with exclusive line of natural products based on olive oil and donkey milk;
  • Buffet breakfast with fresh fruit, hot bread, and our (home made) cakes;
  • all inclusive menù gourmet dinner based on traditional foods on this territory – drinks are included;
  • live music – a trio of Maestros:
    • Massimiliano Berarducci voice and keyboards
    • Fabrizio Crecchio guitar
    • Manuel Trabucco on the sax
  • Guided tour of the Castle
  • Additional stays are available subject to availability at 10% discount on our official rates.

Price per person: € 150.00

Celebrate your love with your loved in a special place like this…

Weekend Romantico alla Fortezza Monastero di Santo Spirito di Ocre - Foto: © Alexander Wurditsch -


The romantic St. Valentines day weekend is now available for € 130,00

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Fortress Monastery of Santo Spirito – Ocre, L’Aquila

Hotel Fortress Monastery of Santo Spirito
Ocre (L’Aquila), Abruzzo, 67040 Italy
GEO: 42.51867517417283, 13.53790283203125

Tel. +39.0862 1965538 – Fax +39.0862 1960139

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